Online Masterclass

Learn More About The Law Of Attraction



Via Zoom 19:30 (CEST Amsterdam Time)

What will your year look like?

Have you thought about what you want to unfold?

Do you know what your ideal life looks like?

Which people are you with? Where do you live? What kind of work do you want to do?

And most importantly, how do you want to feel? ?


Ilse is a fabulous, kind hearted teacher that strives to get the best out of her students, it is obvious that she has overcome difficult situations and developed strength through her own practise which is very reassuring.

Ilse always makes the group feel connected and is very considerate of all her students.

She has a big heart and lots of knowledge that you can see she enjoys sharing.

It’s always a delight to join Ilses courses and I always feel more centred with better direction afterwards.

The tools and tricks she shared in her law of attraction masterclass helped me order my thoughts in a way that journalling could actually help me, despite loving to write, journalling my issues and confusions often leads me no where but into a mass of words that I’ve needed to get off my chest.

I now have structure for my notes which I didn’t know could be so useful. I’m grateful for Ilse’s teaching and always learn a lot. Highly recommend for anyone willing to work on themselves. Thank you!

Becky Mendoza / Yoga Teacher, UK

Join my interactive workshop on the 11th or 14th of January

and create your super year

A special masterclass to shape your dream life

Learn to use powerful manifestation tools.

We will get started with journaling, breathwork, affirmations and meditations.

What are you going to learn?

In this workshop, I’ll share a few tools that work best in my experience. They are easy to remember and to do yourself.

Learn more about manifesting and gain insight into how manifesting really works.

Learn why it often doesn’t work and what role your own beliefs play.

Do a practical exercise to learn to let go of obstacles that still stand in your way. So that you can really manifest those things that are important to you.

Start to visualize your dream life in detail and to really see and feel it.

A clear down to earth workshop: with a few practical tools to get started right away such as: breathwork, powerful meditation, journaling and Q&A.

The masterclass course is a very well presented interactive workshop, rooting from the heart of Ilse, who helped me to structure my many dreams and how to put focus on the right actions.

During the masterclass you learn how to apply the law of attraction for your good and how you can “clean” negative emotions and change negative thoughts into positive ones in order to attract positive things in life.

I really enjoyed the interactive tasks, which guided me deeper in what I like to manifest. I feel inspired and full of trust.

Yvonne Persch / Yoga Teacher and Physiotherapist , Germany

More about Manifestation


Wat is manifestation?

Maybe you are already familiar with manifestation, maybe you have been doing it for a while, or you might have heard about it or heard about the Law Of Attraction.

But manifesting is something that has been done for a long time.

In fact, we are constantly manifesting.

More and more attention is being paid to the power of conscious manifestation, because it works for a lot of people.

One of the powerful things in the manifestation process is that you start thinking very detailed about what your ideal life looks like.

You may want to work on a specific thing because you really want to manifest that amazing homeor new love in your life.But you can also focus on multiple areas, it can be small things and big things.

Manifesting helps you especially well to think about what you no longer want and what you do want in your life.In other words, what is most important to you and what your ideal life looks like.

You now see many manifestation coaches who mainly focus on manifesting money, expensive cars and large houses.

And yes, if you want to manifest that, you can take that with you.

But really manifesting is about manifesting an abundant life.

And by that I mean a life in which you feel happy.

Maybe for you that is having a nice partner, or a a job that makes you happy, having great friends and a nice place to live.

If you really manifest from within, it is more about creating abundance in your life, abundance in all areas, but especially good feelings such as gratitude, joy and a sense of peace.

It is mainly about manifesting a good feeling. To raise your energy vibration. Because from positive energy you can start manifesting your desires

Manifesting is therefore much more than just thinking about what your ideal life looks like.

Manifesting is not as easy as it is often brought by all manifestation gurus.

When you start manifesting, you often encounter yourself.

That’s because you suffer from limiting beliefs that get in the way.

In this workshop we will work with a few powerful manifestation techniques, where you can learn to see what is in your way.

It is an interactive workshop in which you will do journaling, breathwork and meditation.

We do journaling assignments to get a clear picture of what you want, but also what is holding you back and what you no longer want.

We will work with breathwork and gratitude to ensure that our brain and heart develop cohesion, so that we can reach the level of your subconscious.

Because through your subconscious you can reprogram your brain. We work with visualizations, where you learn how to make visualizations really work and how you can use them for all kinds of things.

The session will conclude with a powerful Yoga Nidra-based meditation, where you will implement everything you have learned in the workshop.

In the video below I explain more about manifestation You can find a special blog about this as well

More about me

Ilse Sobering – Spiritueel (Business) Mentor, International Yoga & Meditation Teacher E-RYT 500, EFT Practicioner, Energy Healer & Mindfulness en Breathwork Coach

I am Ilse I am passionate about energy, how our brain works, aboutheart intelligence, the connection between your brain and your heartand about manifestation.

I have specialized in working with energy, manifestation, the power of breathing, meditation, Yoga Nidra & hypnosis.

Studying, learning new things and implementing them makes me very happy. Especially about ancient wisdom combined with contemporary science and research. And my great passion is to share the things I’ve learned with you


I have been using manifestation tools for years to manifest those things in my life that I find important. I love to really study and research what philosophies concepts and tools exist. And also to implement that knowledge and try what works and what doesn’t.

I am very much inspired by the teachings Joe Dispenza, Abraham Hicks, Neville Goddard ,Brian Scott andGabby Bernstein. For the manifestation tools that you will receive in this workshop, I have chosen a few tools that have helped me the best.

In the past 2 years I had a very intense period in which I lost a lot. But by bringing my attention back to manifesting, I was able to start bringing again new beautiful things into my life.

If you understand how the law of attraction really works it can give you so much!

Via House Of InnerPower you can follow various training courses, both online, in Spain and in the Netherlands and Belgium.

I did a Yin Yoga TT with Ilse and the Yoga Nidra Training Course and can absolutely recommend it! Ilse has a huge knowledge of Yoga and she is a really go0d teacher!
Even in this special times, where the training could only be hold online, she managed to create a beautiful atmosphere and connection in the course. If there is any other training with Ilse in the future I will do it ! ????
Alexandra Miebach / Yoga Teacher, Germany
Learn from the best' is what they say. And so I did!
Ilse is a down to earth spiritual guide.
She knows a lot about all the different facets of yoga & meditation. And she's passionate to share all her knowledge.
For me it uplifted the complete yoga experience
Julia  Persijn / Yoga Teacher The Netherlands
Ilse is such a warm and open-hearted woman, so encouraging and conscious, so funny and true, that it was a real pleasure and big inspiration to attend her philosophy lessons and the meditation, pranayama and asana classes.
To me she really managed to make this whole spiritual part of yoga somewhat tangible and also fun and I feel that I now understand so much more what yoga actually is and what benefits it has for my life as a student as well as a teacher.
If you ever have the chance to attend one of Ilse's retreats, classes or trainings please do so and experience her unique female guru energy.
Tatjana Niederpruem / Yoga Teacher Germany


After this masterclass

Do you have a clearer picture of what is important to you and what you want in your life.

You get a better idea of ​​what you want to manifest. Depending on what you find important with regard to one or more areas such as: relationships, work and financial, personal development / education, home, leisure, etc. And you also get a better idea of ​​what you DO NOT want.

You have taken a first step to think about the things that stand in your way and you have received a practical exercise that you can use to break through this.

You understand well that there are pitfalls and why manifesting does not work because of that.

You understand the power of gratitude and how important it is when you want to manifest.

You learned more about emotions and how they play a role in creating your reality and how you can use this knowledge.

You will learn more about the importance of cohesion between your heart and your brain.

You understand the importance of combining breathwork, meditations and writing assignments to manifest your ideal life.

You take a few practical tools with you to continue working with such as: breathwork, powerful meditations, writing assignments

Thank you so much for this lovely workshop  – time went so fast! I enjoyed it a lot????????

It was a very interesting and diverting workshop, loaded with lots of information, but still easy to follow!

Very recommendable to have an overview about manifestation, with many tools on hand to start/deepen ❤️

I liked the interactive part a lot – I found it a good mix of lecture and interaction/journaling – looking forward to your next workshop!

Stefanie Steiner / Yoga Teacher Switzerland
Ilse is a very authentic and caring person. I’ve chosen to do my 200h YTT with her and it could not have been better. She makes you feel welcome, has a lot of knowledge and she loves to share it from her heart. It was so good to be connected with her energy again in the masterclass.
The masterclass was an excellent eye opener and made my limiting believe patterns more clear to me as well as my desires. Ilse explains everything very clear and practically. There were a few very good selfreflecting assignmets and the final meditation was super nice.
Thanks again, Ilse!
Anne Wacker / Yoga Teacher Germany

Thank you for the wonderful workshop, Ilse ???? it was so wonderful to do all the journaling exercises and the meditation in the end!! ☺️

Made me feel really connected to my Future Self.

Thank you for sharing your light ❤️ big hugs from Berlin

Julia Hahn / Yoga Teacher Germany
Yes, I would like to join!



Monday 7 February 2022 ; on this day I do the workshop in Dutch

Tuesday 15 Februari 2022: on this day I do the workshop in English

Would you like to attend the masterclass but are unable to? I am recording the masterclass so you can watch it afterwards.

PLEASE NOTE: Would you like to attend it live but you can’t? Send me an email: **@in************.eu to be on the list fo the next edition.


The masterclass starts at 19:30 CEST Amsterdam  120 min

Price masterclass

The price for the approximately 2-hour workshop is 29 euros excluding VAT and 35 euros including 21% VAT.

Are you coming together? If you book together you get a 10 euro discount and you pay 60 euro incl. 21% VAT.

As an entrepreneur you can enter this workshop as training costs and deduct it from your profit. But also as a private individual you can usually deduct training and workshops. Ask your accountant or local tax office if in doubt.

TIP: give the masterclass as a gift and receive a digital gift card!

Interactive via Zoom

The workshop is interactive and will be held via Zoom. You will also receive a link where you can watch the workshop (access link 1 month).

Are you a registered Yoga Teacher?

This workshop contains tools that help you personally to manifest what you want to achieve, and you can also take the tools you learn in this workshop into your own yoga classes. In addition to journaling, we also do breathwork and meditations.

That is why this workshop counts as 2 hours of continuous education at Yoga Alliance

Yes, I would like to join!


Looking for an original gift? Then give this workshop as a gift!

Or ask for yourself 🙂

Select the GIFT CARD option!

The voucher is valid until the end of 2022 and if the recipient is unable to attend, he/she can use the voucher for any other masterclass or for a retreat, workshop or training.